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Ocean info from Koganezaki Dive Center, Western Izu Peninsula
Little eagle ray and many new faces

According to Koganezaki Dive Center, the water temperature in Koganezaki these days is relatively high for this season, and the visibility is brilliant. So, January 16th was just another great day for scuba diving 😊
Now, you can enjoy watching small pink commerson’s frogfish (juvenile) and moyer’s dragonet (juvenile), some of the cute visitors of Koganezaki found during the weekend. Little eagle ray (only about 30cm wide) is  also frequently watched these days. Fun ocean awaits you!

Koganezaki is situated in the west part of Izu Peninsula. “Kogane” means “gold” or “golden” in Japanese, and this place is known for the beautiful cape that glows gold from the sunset.

Information & photos from Koganezaki Dive Center

Juvenile commerson's frogfish

Juvenile commerson's frogfish

Juvenile moyer’s dragonet

Juvenile moyer’s dragonet

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